Friday, March 30, 2012

March 2012

March 2012, 5 years, 7 months

March 14
Ells saw my book on the couch, "No Cry Sleep Solution", she flipped the pages, tossed it back, then said all-knowingly "I read the whole thing. It just says comfort her." *Oh, and she hates it when we let her cry at all. (I think the no cry sleep solution is just no ear infections but we'll see..)

March 18
It was so hard to be reverent during church today. Ellie was forcing my arms out straight in front of me, insisting that my HAIR looked better if my arms were straight out like a zombie.

March 19
Tonight after working outside for a while I was blow-drying Ellie's hair. She looked at me in the mirror.

WHOA! Mom, something's wrong with you.
A: What?
E: Your hair.
A: Yeah, it looks fuzzy, huh?
E: Yeah...and just...your glasses with just looks kind of...ugly!!!
A: (Laughing my head off.) Yeah, I don't feel very pretty right now.
E: Its ok! I'll share some of my prettiness with you.

(Looks at me in real life versus in the mirror, winces)
E: MOM! You look even worser when you're not in the mirror!

March 27
Ellie asked what grounding was. I explained it to her. "That's so mean! Just for doing something wrong? Do they ever get them out of the ground?!" Guess she had some preconceived ideas I didn't address in my explanation.

March 27
Melania knocked over Ellie's lemonade while eating out.
E: All right Melania, that was your last chance.  I don't like you anymore!
(She wasn't being funny.)  

March 28
Ellie asked what grounding was. I explained it to her. "That's so mean! Just for doing something wrong? Do they ever get them out of the ground?!" Guess she had some preconceived ideas I didn't address in my explanation.