Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 2012

May 2012, 5 years, 9 months

May 1
A: I have to go to the bathroom.
E: You've been having to go the bathroom a lot lately. Maybe you're pregnant!

May 3
Ellie: Mom, I have to go to the bathroom again. I've been having to go a lot lately. Maybe I'm pregnant. (The memories of pregnancy and what it means for her future are forever changed.)
Cousin Ali: No you're not! Then whose your boyfriend-I mean husband?
Ellie: My DAD!

There is something really sweet about her loving her dad enough to think she'd want to marry him.

May 13-Mother's Day
Ellie got me potted tulips and mini carnations, both so beautiful!
"Mom I paid for them both myself!  It was only $7!  It was really cheap!"  She said it several times and told anyone else who saw them (including the exchange students, Adrian...) I love that she's so proud of a good deal!

May 15
Ellie decided she wanted to publish a book. She was thrilled at the idea that someone would pay her money for something she wrote.  She started writing, then would come back to the topic of money, back and forth.

E: You mean someone would give me MONEY for my book?!
A: They could, if you sell it.
E: Hmm...(giving me a huge bright smile) I think I'll sell it for $10.  Wait!!  No-$100!!

May 22
While playing the goalie during soccer:
I'd rather be holding Melania than the ball!

May 24
...please help me to want to play in the outfield, and to enjoy it.  (She's not a big fan of outfield-nor are Jake and I for that matter, it feels like it lasts forever!)

May 29
We're thankful for this day and this life and the way we get to live.

May 30
I curled Ellie's hair for her talent show, it looked really pretty.  She was in the bathroom checking it out by herself.  (Not sure if she thought I'd hear her or not.)

I look so pretty!  I look so cute!

May 30
A: My tummy hurts.
E: Maybe you're pregnant!
(Starts rubbing my belly lovingly.)

My bedroom was getting really messy.  In December, Heidi was here and helped me clean my room.

You really need Heidi to come help you clean your room again!

May 30
Ellie: Mom is my birthday important?
Me: Yeah! What do you mean?

Ellie: Like, Jesus' birthday is important because we have Christmas...

May 31
While drinking a yogurt smoothie on the way to school, she just took a huge gulp and said with satisfaction-this is REALLY GOOD stuff!!