Monday, April 30, 2012

April 2012

April 2012, 5 years, 8 months

April 3
Last night Ellie stayed the night at my parents house. She was SOOOO sad when my mom dropped her off, SOBBED for 10 minutes. After calming down an hour later she mentioned "One of the reasons I was sad to go is that they have more shows, like Disney and ...? They have a lot more shows that we do" Yep, she tasted the sweetness of cable TV and wants more of it! HA!!

April 9
Evening prayer:
...and help Lucifer not to make any more bad his Father above...because he's his Father above...

April 9
E: Mom, who made Heavenly Father?
A: Um, I'm not sure.
E: He must have been really smart!

April 14
...we're thankful for this opportunity to feel sweet in our hearts (?).  We're thankful for our Savior.  We're thankful for cups and plates and food, and all that good stuff that you've sent us, we just want to thank you for that.

A: Ellie that was such a good prayer.
E: That was a calm prayer, I just thought of all those strong words.
A: You say such sweet prayers.
E: I practice them.
A: You do?
E: Yes.  (Soft giggle) I think I said nice prayers when I was 2.

April 24
Me: My tummy hurts.
Ellie: Maybe you're pregnant?

(Sad/funny the associations kids make so quickly. Yes, pregnancy equates pain.)