Friday, August 31, 2012

August 2012

August 2012-The months she turns 6!

August 1
She asked a question about which season it was.
E: Then why would Sister Mullins (primary president, who taught primary sharing time that day) say “we have to make the most of summer”?

Ellie was telling me that she wants a suit and she wants to hold meetings and have surveys, and go to hotels, all by herself, she doesn’t want us to go with her.

Ellie thought I was taking up too much room on the couch.  She told me I was too big.  (She was trying to be mean.)  I told her that was mean.  
E: I didn’t mean it like that...I just meant because (hand motions) you’re older, so...
(I gave her a look.)  She started laughing and kept trying to cover.

August 3
Ellie is really interested in the Olympics.  She keeps talking about Gabby Douglas; she is definitely Ellie’s favorite.
E: I think we’re kind of like twins but really far apart because we’re both so good.

(Another day)

She did a trick on the couch.
Do you think that was like Olympics?

August 4
You’ve been interested in healthy foods, what is healthy, what isn’t.  You wanted to eat Nutella.
E: Is it healthy?
I explained that it wasn’t really.  You also did this the other day with something.  I can’t remember what it was but it was very middle ground.  I tried to explain that it wasn’t really healthy, but wasn’t particularly unhealthy.  You really wanted to know if it was healthy or not!  I’m a bit worried about this going overboard so I have to be careful about being honest and not allowing you to become a nut about this.

August 5
Ellie was wearing a hat to church.
E: You should have worn a hat too.
A: I don’t really like how hats look on me.
E: They look good on you!  (Pause.)  Besides, Heavenly Father thinks you’re pretty anyway!

Is Heavenly Father for real?  How do we know?
(I told her everything around us shows us that Heavenly Father existed.)  She asked Jake the next day and told him that she had asked me, told him my answer.

August 14, 2012
We were at the post office and Ellie saw a lady who had a covering on her head.  
E: Are you a Jew?  
The lady didn’t hear her--or just didn’t respond which is very possible because we were pretty close--so Ellie asked me if she was a Jew.  She sometimes thinks Jewish people are Amish because of the covering.

Was Jesus a Mormon?

(Can’t remember what food she was contemplating eating but...)
Does this have fat?  I don’t like fat.  
(I hate that she is concerned about this and talking about it.  I have no idea what has sparked this.)

A: Ellie you have such good ideas.
E: Do you wish you could trade brains with me?

Ellie you are always asking me how many months Melania is, and you then tell everyone how old she is, strangers at the store, etc.

(I don’t even remember the topic, but...)
A: Jake you know I don’t like to talk about that, especially in front of certain people.

Teenagers get annoyed a lot.  They just like to talk on their phones and stuff.  They ignore their brothers and sisters.  I won’t do that to Melans!

I think she was talking about the Olympics.

….and I’ll be famous!

(A different day)

Telling me how she wants to be on TV.  

We were discussing Ellie’s birthday invitation list.  
...and Brynn, of course, because, Rett’s Syndrome...(saying she didn’t want to leave her out.)

Sunday, August 19
We were transitioning the basement and moved a bunch of stuff from the basement into Jun’s room because he wasn’t home yet, but Ellie thought he was coming home that night. In the prayer that night:
Help Jun to not be sad that his room is destroyed.

New Chinese exchange student, John: I like dogs.
Ellie: Then why do you eat them?
(He clarified very quickly that he doesn't eat them.)

August 23
Ellie was talking about eating sugar.
E: I think you drink fat, that’s why you’re so....coochable!

August 24
Earlier in the day I was telling Ellie that I was cancelling the party so she wouldn’t actually be getting older.

E: Are you really sad that I’m growing up?
A: Kind of, I’m happy, but it does make me sad too.

Nighttime prayer: mama to not be as sad that I’m growing up.


Months ago Ellie asked when Melania would lose her fat, I told her probably when she was 1.  Before her birthday she said she didn’t want her to turn 1 because she didn’t want her to lose her chunkies.

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